Episode 5

Mashiach Ben Yosef & Mashiach Ben David - Why the Need for 2 Mashiachs?

Our Sages reveal that mashiach ben yosef will arrive first, followed by mashiach ben david. David is a descendant of Yehuda. The Ariza"l reveals that Yehuda has the letters of the Divine Name in his name, plus a letter Daled. Sfas Emes explains that Yosef signifies addition, which comes from going up to the source of blessing. Yehuda and David signify receiving the blessing at the bottom of the ladder, together with an understanding that the sole purpose of receiving is to be able to reflect Hashem's Light into the world. Shabbos is the day that we connect to Yosef - we go up to the source. The six days of the week we receive the blessing down here and we reflect it to the world around us. Mashiach will first come at the source and only then can he be revealed down here.

About the Podcast

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The Rabbi A.D. Karnowsky Show
Torah concepts based on the teachings of the Sfas Emes & R' Moshe Shapiro

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Denver Community Kollel — The Torah is For Every Jew

The Denver Community Kollel is dedicated to serving the Torah educational needs of the Rocky Mountain region.