Episode 16

Nissan: The Secret & Inner Rosh Hashana

Zohar reveals that one who guards the days from Pesach until Shavuos, will not need to go through the judgement of Tishrei.

Sfas Emes explains that Tishrei is the month that Hashem created the world. Nissan is the month that He took us out of Egypt and we became his chosen nation, ultimately receiving the Torah at Har Sinai.

If we understand that connecting to Hashem is the most valuable thing in the world, we will realize that Nissan is a more important month for us than Tishrei. Leaving Egypt is even more significant than our very creation!

Such a Jew will merit to receive his judgment in the month of Nissan, a month of kindness and redemption.

About the Podcast

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The Rabbi A.D. Karnowsky Show
Torah concepts based on the teachings of the Sfas Emes & R' Moshe Shapiro

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Denver Community Kollel — The Torah is For Every Jew

The Denver Community Kollel is dedicated to serving the Torah educational needs of the Rocky Mountain region.