Episode 18

Ramchal Reveals the Secret of the Pesach Seder

The 4 key elements of the Seder night are:

Korban Pesach, Matzah, Maror & Daled Kosos.

Maror cleanses our bodies from grime and sin.

The Korban Pesach lifts us out of the rut and places us in an elevated place.

Matzah is spirtual food that allows the body to become more spiritual.

4 cups of wine knock out the 4 forces of evil that exist in the world. They represent the 4 lights that emanate from the Divine Name.

Each year, we take another blow at evil and eventually evil will cease to exist.

Afikoman is the final thing we eat, because we want the spiritual light we received on the Seder night to linger and last for the entire year.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for The Rabbi A.D. Karnowsky Show
The Rabbi A.D. Karnowsky Show
Torah concepts based on the teachings of the Sfas Emes & R' Moshe Shapiro

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Denver Community Kollel — The Torah is For Every Jew

The Denver Community Kollel is dedicated to serving the Torah educational needs of the Rocky Mountain region.