Episode 18

Yetzias Mitzrayim & Krias Yam Suf: Freedom to Cry, Freedom to Sing

We came out of Mitzrayim in two stages. Yetzias Mitzrayim and Krias Mitzrayim.

Zohar Hakadosh reveals that our speech was in exile in Mitzrayim.

This means that we did not have an ability to express ourselves and connect to Hashem through our speech.

Hashem redeemed us and gave us the gift of speech.

Yetzias Mitzrayim gave us the freedom to connect to Him through crying and tzeaka.

Krias Yam Suf freed us to be able to connect to him by singing.

Wherever we find ourselves, we can connect with our mouths. We can cry and we an sing and praise His Name with a heart overflowing with joy.

Dibbur has come out of Exile!

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Show artwork for The Rabbi A.D. Karnowsky Show
The Rabbi A.D. Karnowsky Show
Torah concepts based on the teachings of the Sfas Emes & R' Moshe Shapiro

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Denver Community Kollel — The Torah is For Every Jew

The Denver Community Kollel is dedicated to serving the Torah educational needs of the Rocky Mountain region.